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Penicuik Carbon Challenge Videos 

We have teamed up with local science educator Tom Pringle aka Dr Bunhead and videographer Carlos Hernan to make a series of four youth engagement videos.   

1: A wee bit of Climate Science

2: How did we get here

3: What are you doing about it

Penicuik Carbon Challenge funds a new, fresh, bulk-food Refillery at Penicuik Storehouse 


​Work is underway to create a bulk food Refillery at Penicuik Storehouse. Climate Challenge Funding of £4,500 will fund the development that will reduce the amount of single use plastic and other packaging we use. The Storehouse Refillery will help us change the way we shop and help us to stop buying food items in plastic packaging. 

Over a fifth of food is wasted in the UK. By choosing to refill rather than buy in packets, customers reduce food waste, save money, and use less packaging. The Storehouse Refillery will have 30 gravity-fed dispensers and numerous scoop bins of delicious, colourful and fresh food and grocery staples. Customers can bring their own containers and weigh them before and after filling to deduct the weight of their jars, bottles, bags or boxes.

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