Penicuik Carbon Challenge Team.
We work in the Penicuik and EH26 community to talk about and understand what the idea of a carbon challenge means to us. We invite the community to join programmes and workshops to suggest and demonstrate some of the everyday changes we can all make to reduce our carbon footprint. Our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that encourages the EH26 community to take on Penicuik's and Scotland's Carbon Challenge and start their journey towards a net zero 2045.
Rene O'Reilly Penicuik Carbon Challenge project officer
Responsible for supporting waste reduction of food, gadgets, tools, books, clothes and anything we can recycle, reuse, upcycle, share and repair.
Elly Kinross
Penicuik Carbon Challenge project officer
Responsible for supporting awareness of climate change. Supporting individuals, households, community groups and young people towards low carbon lifestyles with a focus on food choices.
Mike Creamer Youth engagement ambassador
Working to engage young people in Climate Change at Beeslack High School.
Zero Waste Volunteer
WE are looking for volunteers who would like to help us in the shop. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more.